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From broad money market exposure to niche private assets our investment managers offer expertise across the investment spectrum.

UK FCA Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR)

Our EU-domiciled funds which are considered Recognised by the UK regulator (‘Recognised Funds’), the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’), can be found by searching the FCA’s register or by viewing the funds listed on the Legal Documents section of our website.

Where such Recognised Funds use a sustainability term (listed below) in their fund name or in a financial promotion, in relation to the sustainability characteristics of the fund, Natixis Investment Managers UK Limited (‘NIM UK’) makes the following statement:

This product is based overseas and is not subject to UK sustainable investment labelling and disclosure requirements.

Consequently, NIM UK is not required to publish consumer-facing disclosures in respect of the EU-domiciled funds it distributes, nor is the associated Management Company of the Recognised Funds required to comply with the UK sustainability investment labelling and disclosure requirements.

The above statement is not made in respect of UK-authorised OEIC funds for which Thesis Unit Trust Management Limited (‘Tutman’) is the Authorised Corporate Director. These specific funds with ‘TM Natixis’ in their fund name are subject to the UK sustainable investment labelling and disclosure requirements. The first consumer-facing disclosure report produced by Tutman will be published by 2 December 2024 (at the latest) and we will provide a link to it from to this page once available.

Investors can find additional information in relation to the sustainability labelling and disclosure requirements under the FCA’s rules, by visiting

List of sustainability terms

(a) ‘ESG’ (or ‘environmental, social and governance’);

(b) ‘environment’, ‘environmental’ or ‘environmentally’;

(c) ‘social’ or ‘socially’;

(d) ‘climate’;

(e) ‘sustainable’ or ‘sustainability’;

(f) ‘green’;

(g) ‘transition’;

(h) ‘net zero’;

(i) ‘impact’;

(j) ‘responsible’;

(k) ‘sustainable development goals’ or ‘SDG(s)’;

(l) ‘Paris-aligned’; and

(m) any other term which implies that a sustainability product has sustainability characteristics.

Investing involves the risk of loss, including loss of principal. Before investing, you should consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation.

Natixis Investment Managers reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time at its sole discretion.

For purposes of these guidelines, the name Natixis Investment Managers consists of Natixis Investment Managers S.A. and Natixis Investment Managers S.A.’s business development units across the globe. The affiliated investment managers and distribution companies are each an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, the French bank holding company. Approved for use by Natixis Investment Managers S.A., which is authorized and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier and is incorporated under Luxembourg laws and registered under n. B 115843. Registered office of Natixis Investment Managers S.A.: 2, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.