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Sustainable investing

Is defence defensible in ESG investing?

March 27, 2025 - 2 min read

Caught between the threat of Russian expansionism in the East and a possible withdrawal of the American security umbrella by Donald Trump across the Atlantic, Europe has launched an €800 billion finance plan to rearm the continent1. Yet this military emancipation cannot be achieved without recourse to private investment, particularly considering the context of strained public accounts across many European countries.

For a long time, sustainable finance has been impervious to defence investments for ethical or legal reasons. But is it now time to consider whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria should be relaxed to enable financing of the defence effort? Should it change its ways out of a sense of pragmatism, or should it reject the notion so that it may guard against any potential misuse?

Whether defence is an appropriate sector for ESG investors depends on individual values, investment strategies, and definitions of ESG criteria. However, whether to leave this problem up to clients, or not, is a choice that continues to divide asset management firms.

As the sustainable investing landscape continues to evolve, discussions around the role of the defence sector are likely to remain dynamic and nuanced.

Views from our experts

Mathilde Dufour
ESG began with exclusion based on ethical criteria, but sustainable investment cannot be reduced to exclusion. It is much more than that. Sustainable finance should finance what is useful for our societies. And it has to evolve according to society’s needs and that's where the debate on ESG and defence comes in.”
– Mathilde Dufour, Head of Research, Mirova
Lea Dunand-Chatellet
We do not apply standardised exclusion. We have a gradual approach in terms of exclusion because this is the way clients are looking at the product. Some of them want to have such kinds of exclusion, others want broad flexibility. The client has to know in which kind of products they invest and the constraint they’re facing.”
– Lea Dunand-Chatellet, Portfolio Manager & Head of Responsible Investment, DNCA
Frederic Bach
The French defence industry argues that they should be part of an approach that preserves peace and therefore preserves society for the long run. What is essential is to have this debate with your clients, see what they want, and at the end of the day give them the investment vehicle that corresponds to their needs.”
– Frederic Bach, Head of ESG & Responsible Investing, Ossiam

Next decade investing

Read more about the key trends that will continue to define investor thinking over the next ten years.

Next decade investing

1 European Commission, Press Release, March 2025, ‘Commission unveils the White Paper for European Defence and the ReArm Europe Plan/Readiness 2030’, https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_25_793


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