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Investment Managers

We believe in the power of independent thinking. Each investment manager at Natixis focuses on those investment styles and disciplines where they have proven expertise. The end result is a selection of more than 200 investment strategies from some of the world’s most respected names in investment management.

AEW is one of the world’s largest real estate investment managers.
Invest with conviction. DNCA has been a conviction-driven manager for more than two decades.
Dorval Asset Management specializes in conviction-driven flexible management for private wealth, independent financial advisors and institutional investors.
A global private investments firm delivering customized solutions across small- and mid-cap markets of private equity, real estate, private debt and infrastructure.
Specializes in low volatility equity strategies for risk-conscious investors.
A consistent, high-conviction approach to value investing.
For two decades, IML has taken a consistent, value-based approach to investing in quality Australian equities.
Performance-driven investment strategies backed by deep proprietary research and a system of integrated risk analysis.
Dedicated to sustainable investing.
Ossiam is a specialist asset manager that targets investment solutions tailored to clients' specific needs using rule-based strategies that make use of transparent and liquid vehicles, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Ostrum Asset Management is a leading asset manager in Europe providing institutional clients high-quality fixed income, equity, and insurance investment strategies with an active and solid ESG approach.
Thematics Asset Management is a dedicated equity investor in innovative thematic strategies.
Vauban Infrastructure Partners is a leading European asset management firm focused on infrastructure equity investments that contribute to the sustainable development of communities.
Specializes in mid-cap, all-cap, and small-cap equity strategies.
A global growth equity specialist