Business continuity overview

We1 maintain a business continuity program (BCP) designed to minimize disruption in services provided to shareholders and allow for the restoration of critical resources as well as the use of alternate locations should access to our offices become unavailable.

The Natixis BCP encompasses all business units. The plan identifies mission critical processes and provides for their recovery in response to events of varying scope that have or may disrupt normal operations, including but not limited to weather related events and natural disasters, pandemics, fires, critical systems/telecom failures, power outages, damaged workplace facilities and terrorist attacks.


Program structure

The Business Continuity Program is managed by the Natixis Emergency Management Response Team (EMRT), comprised of senior executives who meet no less than semi-annually to review the corporate program, discuss proposed changes, review industry research and trends, discuss recent mock results and identify opportunities for program enhancements. This group meets more frequently as specific issues/events warrant, and to manage the response during a crisis.


Recovery strategy

Natixis’ plan provides for both data center and workspace recovery for our offices. All associates are fully equipped to work seamlessly from home and many currently do on a regularly scheduled basis. We use an automated crisis notification system as well as productivity systems to minimize disruption to our vital communication links.


Program testing

Regular testing, including both workspace and datacenter recovery procedures, validates the program’s continuity and recovery capabilities. Testing is carefully planned and carried out to yield maximum results while being minimally disruptive to daily productivity.


Program training

All new associates participate in business continuity training and are tested on our firm’s crisis management tool within the first few weeks of hire. Annual, mandatory business continuity training is required for all existing associates. EMRT members participate in periodic simulation training exercises. Additional trainings are offered as warranted, including annual Red Cross AED and First Aid certification. 


Program maintenance

The plan is continually evaluated and amended as necessary to ensure that the customer impact of any business interruption is minimized.

1 For purposes of this notice the term “Natixis” includes Natixis Funds, Loomis Sayles Funds, Natixis Distribution, LLC, Natixis Advisors, LLC, and all successors.
