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Nathalie Bricker

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Natixis Investment Managers

Nathalie Bricker is the holder of a master’s degree in accounting and financial techniques from the IAE of a diploma of higher studies in accounting and financial studies. She is also a graduate of the Nice-Sophia Antipolis Business School (SKEMA).

Nathalie Bricker joined KPMG audit in 1991 as a project manager specializing in banking audit. She then joined the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation (CDC) in 1995 and became Head of central accounting in 1998. She became Head of CDC IXIS’ accounting department in 2004. In 2005, she joined Natexis Banques Populaires.

Following the integration of CDC IXIS into Natixis, Nathalie Bricker was appointed Accounting and Ratios Director of the Natixis group, and became a member of the Executive Committee in 2016.

In July 2018, Nathalie Bricker was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Natixis, member of the Natixis General Management Committee. In November 2020, she was appointed Effective Manager of Natixis.

In October 2023, Nathalie Bricker was appointed Director of Finance and Strategy of Natixis Investment Managers and became a member of BPCE’s Executive Committee in November 2023.

In December 2023, she was appointed Deputy CEO of Natixis IM, in charge of Finance and Strategy as well as control functions (Risks and Compliance) and the Legal Department, and subsequently became a member of Natixis Executive Management Committee (Comité de Direction Générale).
