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Tailored SMAs to accommodate a range of investor objectives

Separately managed accounts

A Separately Managed Account (SMA) is a unique investment vehicle that opens the door for more customization and personalization than a mutual fund or ETF. In SMAs, the investor owns all the securities directly, which can lead to opportunities for tax management. Tax loss harvesting, along with a number of other tax management techniques, can drive better after-tax performance.

Beyond that, SMAs allow for customization, giving investors the opportunity to exclude specific securities or objectionable business involvement. Examples include:

  • Reducing or eliminating exposure to employer’s stock
  • Incorporating personal values in the management of the account

Natixis provides a range of SMA investment strategies from our affiliated managers and outside managers that offer specialized solutions for high net worth and multiple manager portfolios.

More about SMAs

The benefits of SMAs

  • Professionally managed individual account
  • Opportunities for customization and tax management
  • Tax-efficient asset transitions
  • Enhanced transparency
  • Potential fee savings relative to other investment vehicles

Why Natixis SMAs

  • Broad range of actively managed and index strategies
  • 20-year track record of partnering with financial advisors
  • Create personalized portfolios using direct indexing

Competitive advantages

  • Ability to transition assets with minimal tax consequences
  • Extensive customization options to align with goals and values
  • Active and passive investment options

Learn more

Want more information on SMA strategies?

There are significant differences between SMAs, Mutual Funds and ETFs, including, but not limited to, minimum account size, cost, and liquidity. Please consider these differences before investing.
