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Sales charges

Most Natixis Funds offer Classes A and C shares to the public. Each class has different costs associated with buying, selling and holding Fund shares which allows you to choose the class that best meets your needs. Which class is best for you depends upon a number of factors, including the size of your investment and how long you intend to hold your shares. Certain share classes and certain shareholder features may not be available to you if you hold your shares through a financial intermediary. Your financial representative can help you decide which class of shares is most appropriate for you.

Class A shares:

The price that you pay when you buy Class A shares (the "offering price") is their net asset value plus a sales charge (sometimes called a "front-end sales charge"), which varies depending upon the size of your purchase.


Natixis Alternatives, Equity (US and non-US) and Multi-Asset Funds
(All funds except Loomis Sayles Strategic Alpha Fund and Mirova Global Green Bond Fund)


Loomis Sayles Strategic Alpha Fund and Mirova Global Green Bond Fund


Natixis income funds
(All funds except Loomis Sayles Limited Term Government and Agency Fund and Loomis Sayles Senior Floating Rate and Fixed Income Fund)


Loomis Sayles Limited Term Government and Agency Fund


Loomis Sayles Senior Floating Rate and Fixed Income Fund

Due to rounding, the actual sales charge for a particular transaction may be higher or lower than the rates listed above.

* Not imposed on shares that are purchased with reinvested dividends or other distributions.

** For purchases of Class A shares of the Fund of $1 million or more (or $500,000 or more for the Loomis Sayles Limited Term Government and Agency Fund), there is no front-end sales charge, but a contingent deferred sales charge ("CDSC") of 1.00% (or 0.75% for the Loomis Sayles Limited Term Government and Agency Fund) may apply to redemption of your shares within 18 months of the date of purchase. See the section "How the CDSC is Applied to Your Shares" in the funds' prospectuses for more information.

If you invest in Class A shares through a financial intermediary, it is the responsibility of the financial intermediary to ensure that you obtain the proper "breakpoint" discount. At the time of purchase you must inform the Distributor and the financial intermediary of the existence of other accounts in which there are holdings eligible to be aggregated to meet sales load breakpoints of the Funds. You may be required to provide certain records and information, such as account statements, with respect to all of your accounts that hold shares, including accounts with other financial intermediaries and your family members' and other related party accounts, in order to verify your eligibility for a reduced sales charge. If the Distributor is not notified that you are eligible for a reduced sales charge, the Distributor will be unable to ensure that the reduction is applied to your account. Additional information concerning sales load breakpoints is available from your financial intermediary, by visiting the Fund's website at (click on "Sales Charges" at the bottom of the home page) or in the Funds' Statement of Additional Information ("SAI").

Reducing front-end sales charges

There are several ways you can lower your sales charge for Class A shares, including:

  • Letter of Intent – By signing a Letter of Intent, you may purchase Class A shares of any Natixis Fund over a 13-month period but pay sales charges as if you had purchased all shares at once. This program can save you money if you plan to invest $50,000 or more (or $100,000 or more into Loomis Sayles Strategic Alpha Fund or any of the Natixis Income Funds) within 13 months.
  • Cumulative purchase discount – You may be entitled to a reduced sales charge if your "total investment" reaches a breakpoint for a reduced sales charge. The total investment is determined by adding the amount of your current purchase in a Fund, including the applicable sales charge, to the current public offering price of all series and classes of shares of the Natixis Funds (excluding Class T shares) held by you in one or more accounts. If your total investment exceeds a sales charge breakpoint in the table above, the lower sales charge applies to the entire amount of your current purchase in the Fund.
  • Combining accounts – This allows you to combine shares of multiple Natixis Funds and classes for purposes of calculating your sales charge.

Individual accounts: You may elect to combine your purchase(s) and your total investment, as defined above, with the purchases and total investment of your spouse, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws (of those previously mentioned), individual retirement accounts, sole proprietorships, single trust estates and any other individuals acceptable to the Distributor.

Certain retirement plan accounts: The Distributor may, at its discretion, combine the purchase(s) and total investment of all qualified participants in the same retirement plan for purposes of determining the availability of a reduced sales charge.

In most instances, individual accounts may not be linked with certain retirement plan accounts for the purposes of calculating sales charges. Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees ("SIMPLE IRA") contributions will automatically be linked with those of other participants in the same SIMPLE IRA Plan (Class A shares only) using the Natixis Funds prototype document. SIMPLE IRA accounts may not be linked with any other Natixis Fund account for rights of accumulation. Please refer to the SAI for more detailed information on combining accounts.

Eliminating front-end sales charges and CDSCs

Class A shares may be offered without front-end sales charges or a CDSC to the following individuals and institutions:

  • Clients of a financial intermediary that has entered into an agreement with the Distributor and has been approved by the Distributor to offer Fund shares to self-directed investment brokerage accounts that may or may not charge a transaction fee;
  • Any government entity that is prohibited from paying a sales charge or commission to purchase mutual fund shares;
  • All employees of financial intermediaries under arrangements with the Distributor (this also applies to spouses and minor children under the age of 21 of those mentioned);
  • Fund trustees, former trustees, employees of affiliates of the Natixis Funds and other individuals who are affiliated with any Natixis Fund (this also applies to any spouse, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren and in-laws of those mentioned);
  • Certain Retirement Plans. The availability of this pricing may depend upon the policies and procedures of your specific financial intermediary; consult your financial adviser;
  • Non-discretionary and non-retirement accounts of bank trust departments or trust companies, but only if they principally engage in banking or trust activities;
  • Fee Based Programs of certain broker-dealers, the Advisers or the Distributor. Please consult your financial representative to determine if your fee based program is subject to additional or different conditions or fees; and
  • Registered Investment Advisers investing on behalf of clients in exchange for an advisory, management or consulting fee.

In order to receive Class A shares without a front-end sales charge or a CDSC, you must notify the appropriate Fund of your eligibility at the time of purchase. Due to operational limitations at your financial intermediary, a sales charge or a CDSC may be assessed; please consult your financial representative.

The availability of certain sales charge waivers and discounts will depend on whether you purchase your shares directly from a Fund or through a financial intermediary. Intermediaries may have different policies and procedures regarding the availability of front-end sales load waivers or CDSC waivers, which are discussed below. In all instances, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to notify a Fund or the purchaser’s financial intermediary at the time of purchase of any relationship or other facts qualifying the purchaser for sales charge waivers or discounts. For waivers and discounts not available through a particular intermediary, shareholders will have to purchase Fund shares directly from the Fund or through another intermediary to receive these waivers or discounts. Please see Appendix A to the Prospectus for information regarding eligibility for load waivers and discounts available through specific financial intermediaries, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in the Prospectus or in the SAI.


Repurchasing fund shares

You may apply proceeds from redeeming Class A shares of a Fund to repurchase Class A shares of any Natixis Fund without paying a front-end sales charge. To qualify, you must reinvest some or all of the proceeds within 120 days after your redemption and notify Natixis Funds in writing (directly or through your financial representative) at the time of reinvestment that you are taking advantage of this privilege. You may reinvest your proceeds by returning your original redemption check or sending a new check for some or all of the redemption amount. Please note: for U.S. federal income tax purposes, a redemption generally is treated as a sale that involves tax consequences, even if the proceeds are later invested. Please consult your tax adviser to discuss how redemption would affect you.


Eliminating the CDSC

As long as the Distributor is notified at the time you sell, the CDSC for Class A shares will generally be eliminated in the following cases: (1) to make distributions from Certain Retirement Plans to pay plan participants or beneficiaries due to death, disability, separation from service, normal or early retirement, loans from the plan, hardship withdrawals, return of excess contributions, or required minimum distributions (an individual participant’s voluntary distribution or a total plan termination or total plan redemption may incur a CDSC); (2) to make payments through a systematic withdrawal plan; (3) due to shareholder death or disability; (4) to return excess IRA contributions; or (5) to make required minimum distributions (applies only to the amount necessary to meet the required minimum distributions).

Due to operational limitations at your financial intermediary, a CDSC may be assessed, notwithstanding the exemptions above; please consult your financial representative. Please see the SAI for more information on eliminating or reducing front-end sales charges and the CDSC.


Class C shares:

The offering price of Class C shares is their net asset value without a front-end sales charge. Class C shares are subject to a CDSC of 1.00% on redemptions made within one year of the date of their acquisition. The holding period for determining the CDSC will continue to run after an exchange to Class C shares of another Natixis Fund.

All Funds


Eliminating the CDSC

The availability of certain CDSC waivers will depend on whether you purchase your shares directly from the Fund or through a financial intermediary. Intermediaries may have different policies and procedures regarding the availability of CDSC waivers, which are discussed below. In all instances, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to notify the Fund or the purchaser’s financial intermediary at the time of purchase of any relationship or other facts qualifying the purchaser for sales charge waivers or discounts. For waivers not available through a particular intermediary, shareholders will have to purchase Fund shares directly from the Fund or through another intermediary to receive these waivers or discounts. Please see Appendix A to the Prospectus for information regarding eligibility for CDSC discounts available through specific financial intermediaries, which may differ from those disclosed elsewhere in the Prospectus or in the SAI.

As long as the Distributor is notified at the time you sell, the CDSC for Class C shares will generally be eliminated in the following cases: (1) to make distributions from Certain Retirement Plans (as defined below) to pay plan participants or beneficiaries due to death, disability, separation from service, normal or early retirement, loans from the plan, hardship withdrawals, return of excess contributions, or required minimum distributions (an individual participant’s voluntary distribution or a total plan termination or total plan redemption may incur a CDSC); (2) to make payments through a systematic withdrawal plan; (3) due to shareholder death or disability; (4) to return excess IRA contributions; or (5) to make required minimum distributions (applies only to the amount necessary to meet the required minimum distributions).

Due to operational limitations at your financial intermediary, a CDSC may be assessed, notwithstanding the exemptions above; please consult your financial representative. Please see the SAI for more information on eliminating or reducing front-end sales charges and the CDSC.


How the CDSC is applied to your shares

The CDSC is a sales charge you pay when you redeem certain Fund shares. The CDSC:

  • Is calculated based on the number of shares you are selling;
  • Calculation is based on either your original purchase price or the current net asset value of the shares being sold, whichever is lower in order to minimize your CDSC;
  • Is deducted from the proceeds of the redemption unless you request, at the time of the redemption, that it be deducted from the amount remaining in your account; and
  • Applies to redemptions made within the time frame shown above for each class.

A CDSC will not be charged on:

  • Increases in net asset value above the purchase price;
  • Shares you acquired by reinvesting your dividends or capital gains distributions; or
  • Exchanges. However, the original purchase date of the shares from which the exchange is made determines if the newly acquired shares are subject to the CDSC when they are sold.

To minimize the amount of the CDSC you may pay when you redeem shares, the relevant Fund will first redeem shares acquired through reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions. Shares will be sold in the order in which they were purchased (earliest to latest).

Before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. You may obtain a prospectus or a summary prospectus containing this and other information. Read it carefully.
