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Fixed income
Active fixed income investments uncover yield and value opportunities while mitigating risk. Tap into Natixis Investment Managers’ expertise.
September 18, 2024
Portfolio analysis & consulting
In-depth portfolio analysis to identify and measure sources and drivers of risk and return that can be applied to asset allocation in client portfolios.
Tools of the Trade
Tap into insights, portfolio analysis techniques, and educational tools to explore trends, navigate rapidly changing markets, and uncover opportunities.
Diversity, inclusion, and belonging
We continually work to create an environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, and belonging in all its forms, across gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity and background.

Center for Investor Insight

The Natixis Center for Investor Insight is a global research initiative focused on the issues and sentiment driving today’s investment landscape. Since 2010, we’ve surveyed more than 100,000 people in 30+ countries to provide a global perspective.

Our research covers a wide spectrum of investors, from individuals to financial advisors to institutions. We offer deep dives into key topics, including return expectations and risk perceptions, active vs. passive investing, and global retirement security. Our goal is to go beyond the numbers and offer insight that helps fuel more meaningful client conversations.

Our focus reports include:

  • Model portfolios
  • Generation X
  • Millennials
  • Retirement plan participants
  • High-net-worth investors
  • Natixis strategist outlook
  • Global Retirement Index
  • Fixed income pulse survey

A research program with global reach

Research from Natixis Investment Managers is a primary source of data on investor sentiment and behavior globally, and is frequently cited by the world’s financial press.

survey graphic